Browse Indicators

Indicator title
(PrEP_CURR) Number of individuals, inclusive of those newly enrolled, that received oral antiretroviral pre- exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV during the reporting period
(PrEP_NEW) Number of individuals who were newly enrolled on oral antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection in the reporting period
Safe injecting practices among people who inject drugs
(TB_PREV) Proportion of ART patients who started on a standard course of TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in the previous reporting period who completed therapy
Needles and syringes distributed per person who injects drugs
Coverage of opioid agonist maintenance therapy
People who received pre-exposure prophylaxis
Prevalence of male circumcision
Annual number of males voluntarily circumcised
Condom use at last high-risk sex
Annual number of condoms distributed
Young people: knowledge about HIV prevention
(VMMC_CIRC) Number of males circumcised as part of the voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention program within the reporting period
Negative manifestations of HIV-related stigma (Not Final)
Fear of HIV transmission through casual contact with a person living with HIV (Not Final)
Health Facility Staff: Institutional Policies (Tier 1)
Health Facility Staff: Enforcement of Institutional Policies (Tier 2)
Health Facility Staff: Fear of HIV Infection (Tier 1)
Health Facility Staff: Attitudes and Opinions (Tier 1)
Health Facility Staff: Observed Enacted Stigma (Tier 1 for High HIV Prevalence and Tier 2 for Low HIV or Concentrated Prevalence Settings)
Health Facility Staff: Unnecessary Precautions and Measures (Tier 2)
Health Facility Staff: Staff Needs and Support (Tier 2)
(CXCA_SCRN) (including CXCA_SCRN_POS) Percentage of HIV-positive women on ART screened for cervical cancer
People living with HIV who know their HIV status
(HTS_Index) Number of individuals who were identified and tested using Index testing services and received their results
