Browse Indicators

Indicator title
Number of eligible adults and children who newly initiated antiretroviral therapy (ART) during the reporting period (2012)
Total attrition from ART
HIV prevalence among pregnant women
Number of eligible clients who received food and/or other nutrition services
Appropriate diagnosis and treatment of STIs
Per Capita Household Expenditures in HIV-affected Households
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV (modelled)
Young people having premarital sex in last year
Number and percentage of municipalities with at least one human rights network functioning
TB screening coverage among new ART patients
Education: Free basic support for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) (three indicators)
Percentage of antenatal care attendees positive for syphilis who received treatment
ART coverage in breastfeeding mothers
Womens ability to negotiate safer sex with husband
Median age at first sex
Connection to a parent or primary caregiver
Percentage of HIV-positive pregnant IDU women who received OST during pregnancy
Early viral load testing (at 6 months)
Knowledge of a formal source of condoms among young people
Percent of HIV-positive pregnant women who received antiretrovirals to reduce risk of mother-to-child-transmission
Workplace HIV/AIDS control: international organizations
12-Month Infant HIV-Free Survival (HFS)
PrEP continuation (at 3 months)
Connection with an adult caregiver
Number of circumcised clients experiencing at least one moderate or severe adverse event (AE) during or following surgery, within the reporting period
