Browse Indicators

Indicator title
Condom use at last commercial sex: client report
Educational institutions: HIV workplace programmes
PrEP uptake
Succession planning
Percentage of sex workers (SWs) with active syphilis
TB treatment initiation among diagnosed
Regulation of young people’s behaviour by a parent or primary caregiver
Condom availability for young people
Percentage of currently married women who usually make a decision about their own health care either by themselves or jointly with their husbands (HIV-O11)
VMMC adverse events
Capacity to provide advanced clinical and psychosocial support services for HIV/AIDS
Number of persons provided with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
Number and percentage of young people aged 10–24 years reached by life skills–based HIV education in schools
Maternal Nutritional Status at Postnatal Care
External Economic Support to the poorest households
TPT completion
Number of targeted condom service outlets
Number of individuals from the targeted audience reached through community outreach with at least one HIV information, education, communication or behavior change communication
Percentage of never married young women and men aged 15-24 who have never had sex [disaggregated by sex (female, male) and age (15-19, 20-24)]
Educational institutions: rules and guidelines
Discriminatory attitudes towards people from key populations among health facility staff
Total attrition from ART
HIV prevalence among pregnant women
Number and percentage of HIV-exposed infants who are exclusively breastfeeding at DPT3 visit
Retail outlets and services with condoms in stock
