Browse Indicators

Indicator title
Number of men reported with gonorrhoea in the past 12 months
Young people using a condom during premarital sex
Quality-assured blood testing
Number of the targeted population reached with individual and/or small group level HIV prevention interventions that are primarily focused on abstinence and/or being faithful, and are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required
Condoms that meet quality control measures
Number and percentage of health care workers newly trained or retrained
Infant feeding Status
Infant ARV prophylaxis coverage
Percentage of orphaned and vulnerable children aged 5–17 years who have three basic material needs met
Percentage of children under the age of 18 who are orphans
Life skills-based HIV and sexuality education: orientation process for parents or guardians
Viral suppression among people living with HIV engaged in differentiated service delivery antiretroviral therapy models
Viral load testing coverage
Receipt of Food Security Services
Higher risk male-male sex in the last year
TB treatment initiation among diagnosed
Capacity to provide basic counselling and testing and to manage clinical services for HIV/AIDS
PrEP uptake
Percentage of health facilities that provide virological testing services (e.g. PCR) for diagnosis of HIV in infants on site or from dried blood spots (DBS)
Succession planning
Capacity to provide advanced clinical and psychosocial support services for HIV/AIDS
Amount of public funds for Research and Development of preventive HIV vaccines and microbicides
Nutrition Assessment for People Living with HIV (PLHIV)
Condom availability for young people
VMMC adverse events
