Percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who were injecting drug users

Export Indicator

Percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who were injecting drug users
What it measures

This indicator measures proportion of HIV-positive pregnant women who were actively injecting drugs during pregnancy.


HIV positive pregnant women who are injecting drugs remain the hardest to reach population by PMTCT interventions. Significant proportion of children who are HIV positive or/and abandoned were born to HIV positive women using drugs. It is a strategic focus for the Region to improve access of IDU women to PMTCT interventions and services.


Number of HIV-positive pregnant women who were injecting drug users (IDUs).


Number of diagnosed HIV-positive women who had pregnancy registered during the reporting year.


Numerator / Denominator

Method of measurement

The numerator is calculated from national programme records aggregated from health care facility registers.

Data quality control and notes for the reporting tool
It is important to put a note if numerator and denominator has all delivered IDU women, or also include those who terminated there pregnancies.

Measurement frequency
Explanation of the numerator
Explanation of the denominator
Strengths and weaknesses

Injecting drug use and substance use has always been associated with stigma and discrimination. Therefore some IDU women might not report their drug use to healthcare providers, or be less inclined to seek health care services and the true prevalence of drug injection could be underestimated while some IDU women might not access the services they need.

Data utilization: This indicator will help to monitor trends of IDU among pregnant HIV positive women and better plan interventions to address it.

Further information