Browse Indicators

Indicator title
(HRH_STAFF_NAT) Number of health workers who are working on any HIV-related activities (i.e., prevention, treatment and other HIV support) based out of PEPFAR-supported facility sites
(KP_MAT_NAT) Percentage of people who inject drugs (PWID) on medication assisted therapy
Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV
Internalized stigma reported by people living with HIV
Stigma and discrimination experienced by people living with HIV in community settings
Experience of HIV-related discrimination in health-care settings
Stigma and discrimination experienced by key populations (A-D)
Avoidance of health care among key populations because of stigma and discrimination (A–D)
People living with HIV seeking redress for violation of their rights
Viral hepatitis among key populations
Hepatitis C testing
People coinfected with HIV and Hepatitis C virus starting Hepatitis C virus treatment
Syphilis prevalence among key populations (A, B, D)
Men with urethral discharge
Gonorrhoea among men
Co-management of tuberculosis and HIV treatment
People living with HIV with active tuberculosis disease
People living with HIV who started tuberculosis preventive treatment
Percentage of people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy who completed a course of tuberculosis preventive treatment among those who initiated tuberculosis preventive treatment
Number of women living with HIV who were screened for cervical cancer using any screening test
Cervical precancer treatment in women living with HIV
Treatment of invasive cervical cancer in women living with HIV
People living with HIV receiving multimonth dispensing of antiretroviral medicine
Domestic public budget for HIV
Antiretrovirals and other HIV-related regimens: unit prices and volume
